Apis mellifera carnica MEDOKOŠT - Kozjansko, Slovenija
odobreno vzrejališče čebeljih matic
ohranjanje, selekcija in vzreja avtohtone Kranjske čebele
cistilna sposobnost VSH kranjska cebela
Nadgrajen selekcijski program za Kranjsko čebelo Apis mellifera carnica
Vzrejamo čebele z visoko stopnjo odpornosti na varojo. Odbiramo družine, ki imajo dobro izražen čistilni nagon za zaznavanje varoj znotraj celic in odstranjevanje le teh (VSH).
Hygienic behaviour is recognized as a natural antiseptic defence against the brood diseases, American foulbrood and chalkbrood, and against varroa (Boecking and Spivak, 1999; Evans and Spivak, 2010; Spivak and Reuter, 2001; Wilson-Rich et al., 2009) and thus may be relevant in breeding programmes for resistance to these pathogens and parasite. Standardized methods for testing hygienic behaviour are based on the removal of freeze killed (Momot and Rothenbuhler, 1971; Spivak and Reuter, 1998) or pin killed brood (Newton and Ostasiewski, 1986). Furthermore, Harbo and Harris (2005) described a method to check for a specific hygiene behaviour induced by reproducing mites in brood cells, called Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH).