carnica Medokost®

Approved queen bee breeding & mating station MEDOKOšT, Kozjansko, Slovenia
“preservation, selection and breeding of native Carniolan bees, Apis mellifera carnica

Order form

Price in €
Total in €

Your preferred delivery week

Period of production

Type01 Production Queen Bee

Authentic Apis m. carnica – marked, open mated in the Kozjansko biosphere reserve PP Dobje –


Week 18 - 35

Type 01Ai Production Queen Bee

Pedigree Apis m. carnica  – marked, open mated in biosphere reserve Kozjansko PP Dobje, Outcrossing –


Week 20 - 35

Type 02 Overwintered Queen Bee

Authentic Apis m. carnica marked, open mated in the Kozjansko biosphere reserve PP Dobje, purebred, hygienic


Week 16 - 22

Type 03 Selected Breeder Queen Bee 

Authentic Apis m. carnica marked, open mated in the Kozjansko biosphere reserve PP Dobje or PP Podskalica, purebred, hygienic 


Week 16 - 22

Type 04 Production Queen Bee 

Authentic Apis m. carnica – marked, open mated in the Kozjansko biosphere reserve PP Podskalica – project: “the Guardians”


Week 22 - 30

Type 05AI Pedigree Queen bee 

Pedigree Apis m. carnica – marked, artificially inseminated (AI), Outcrossing -


Week 22 - 30

Bee colony  Apis m. carnica on 10 Langstroth (LR) frames (480mm x 230mm)

1*feeder, 6* frames of brood, 2* honeycombs, 1* foundation. 

120,00 €

150,00 €

April 1 - October 15

Package bees - Swarm - Apis m. carnica

(1,5 kg of bees) with a queen bee Type 01


Reusable transport box with a feeder - Multibox is not included. 20€

Your information.

Delivery: The buyer receives queens with attendant bees in a transport-introduction queen cage. The queens are marked with a colored, enumerated plate. The buyer also receives an invoice, a printout from the herd book – proving the purebred queen and veterinary Health certificate, which is a mandatory attachment of each sent queen and applies to all ordered queens in the package.

Payment info: You will receive payment info on your e-mail.
Delivery address.


Type01 Production Queen Bee
Authentic Apis m. carnica – open mated, line breeding

Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period (write date or week no)


Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Type 05 Pedigree Queen bee Apis m. carnica, PP Lučka Bela, outcrossing

Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Queen cell Apis m. carnica- line breeding

Price in €

4,00 €


Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Bee colony  Apis m. carnica on 10 Langstroth (LR) frames (480mm x 230mm)

1*feeder, 6* frames of brood, 2* brood combs, 1* foundation. 

Price in €



Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Package bees - Swarm - Apis m. carnica

(1,5 kg of bees) with a queen bee Type 01

Price in €

90,00 €


Total in €

Your preferred delivery period


Your information.

Delivery address.

Delivery: The buyer receives queens with attendant bees in a transport-introduction queen cage. The queens are marked with a colored, enumerated plate. The buyer also receives an invoice, a printout from the herd book – proving the purebred queen and veterinary Health certificate, which is a mandatory attachment of each sent queen and applies to all ordered queens in the package.

Payment info: You will receive payment info on your e-mail.

1. Quality Control

Authentic Carniolan Queen Bees are mated and selected at our dedicated mating station. To minimize the time spent outside the colony, queen bees are caught only on demand. They are housed in nucs and harvested when capped brood is present. Each Authentic Carniolan Queen Bee is marked with a colored numeric disc and assigned a pedigree number. Prior to shipment, every queen bee undergoes a thorough quality check to ensure the highest standards are met.

2. Order

Queen bees are available from week 16 to week 35. Due to high demand often exceeding supply, it is essential to make a reservation as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note that queen bees are offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

3. Shipment

We ship your new Authentic Carniolan Queen Bees in plastic transport and introduction cages. These queen bees can endure travel for several days, up to 14. Typically, shipments within Europe take three to five days to arrive. We send queen bees as priority letters via Pošta Slovenije, with a maximum of 30 queens per letter. Shipments are dispatched on Mondays and Tuesdays, unless otherwise arranged, ensuring you likely receive your queen bees within the same week and minimizing the risk of them being held in a depot.

We do not assume responsibility for the queen bees during delivery or for the successful introduction of your new queen bee to the colony.

4. Payment

We require payment to be completed before dispatch, which means at least two weeks prior to your desired delivery week. This ensures that you receive your queen bees on time. Please note that no queen bees will be shipped until payment is received.

– A deposit is not required in advance, but you may choose to make one if you wish.
– If you change your mind about your order, please inform us as soon as possible.

5. Intra trade certificate

Every shipment must include the intra trade certificate (health certificate).
The health certificate (intra trade certificate) will be issued within 3 working days for shipments of queen bees within the EU.

To obtain a health certificate for your queen bee delivery, please register in Traces NT. Access the registration portal at [Traces NT](

Important Information
– **Section**: HBEE-EST
– **Activity**: Terrestrial animal establishment
– Only a veterinarian inspector can register your apiary in Traces NT, so please contact them directly.
– The registration process is quick and free.

6. Package

The package contains: Queen bee with 7-9 nurse bees in the traveling / introduction cage.
Information about the Queen bee (Transcript of the Herdbook of Apis mellifera carnica);
intra trade certificate (health certificate); and the payment info.

7. Follow your package

Once the queens are dispatched you’ll receive the tracking no. on your email.
Follow your package here