Ethological characteristics of Carniolan Bee
Les caractéristiques éthologiques de l’abeille carniolienne 
Ethologische Merkmale der Krainer Biene



The brood is always compact, never intermittent.
Young queens lay more intensively and longer (until the end of November) and start laying earlier (January) than older queens.
The Carniolan bee family overwinters with a smaller number of bees (every 5 to 8 frames) and consumes a modest supply of honey during the winter.

The ethological caracteristics of Carniolan bees can significantly affect honey production. One key characteristic is their intensive spring development, leading to an exponential need for building brood and honeycombs, which can impact honey storage. Additionally, their calm and docile behavior, excellent sense of orientation, and highly resistant brood contribute to efficient honey production. Furthermore, ethological traits such as swarming, colony defense, and hygienic behavior are recognized in selection and breeding programs, as they can impact honey yields. Therefore, the ethological behavior of Carniolan bees plays a crucial role in their productivity and is an important consideration for beekeepers and breeders.

carnica Medokost®
Apiaries – Imkerei – apiculture MEDOKOST & MEDOVITA, Slovenia
Apis mellifera carnica MEDOKOST® – Kozjansko, Slovenia
Certified queen bee breeding center for the Carniolan bee (Apis m. carnica)
Centre d’élevage de reines certifié pour l’abeille carniolienne (Apis m. carnica)
Zertifizierte Bienenköniginzuchtstation für die Krainer Biene (Apis m. carnica)
