climate, landscape and biological diversity in Slovenia
Kozjansko & Obsotelje Biosphere Reserve, Slovenia


Kozjansko is a region in Slovenia that has a diverse landscape and a continental climate. The average annual temperature in the lower regions of central Slovenia is between 8°C and 1°C, while at the highest peaks it never exceeds 0°C. Annual precipitation varies greatly, from 800 mm in the extreme northeast to over 3000 mm in the northwest. Slovenia’s diverse natural landscape is perfect for all kinds of outdoor activities, with well-maintained hiking and biking trails everywhere. Slovenia’s fauna comprises more than 21,500 continental species and at least 1600 marine species and subspecies. Slovenia is predominantly characterized by forest ecosystems, which cover 65.2% of the country, followed by agroecosystems occupying 27.5% of the land area. However, freshwater habitats exhibit the highest percentage of habitat types with a bad conservation status, reaching 68.7%, while grasslands also have a significant proportion of habitat types in bad conservation status.

Kozjansko Regional Park is known for its landscape diversity and extreme biodiversity, attracting visitors during all seasons of the year. The park features an extraordinary mosaic of pre-alpine mixed forests, upland meadows, meadow orchards, and flatlands. Due to its various geographical characteristics, species typical of alpine, Panonic, and submediterranean areas can be found in the Kozjansko region. It is the biodiversity of Slovenia’s forests that is most threatened by climate change, especially species in the periphery of the high Alpine habitats and all the smaller, fragmented eco-system remnants without the genetic, spatial, and ecological potential to shift location. The Kozjansko & Obsotelje Biosphere Reserve is working to conserve biodiversity and promote natural science education in the region.

The Kozjansko & Obsotelje Biosphere Reserve is located in Slovenia, between the Sava, Savinja, and Sotla rivers, covering a total area of 947 km². The reserve is divided into three parts: the central part with major nature protection goals (140 km²), the peripheral part (360 km²) with goals supporting protection of the central part, and the buffer zone (16,212 km²). The Kozjansko Regional Park, which is one of the oldest and largest protected areas in Slovenia, is situated within the biosphere reserve. The area is known for its high degree of biodiversity and unique natural features, such as hills, ravines, gorges, rock outcrops, karst hollows, caves, and abysses. The landscape is a mosaic of the pre-Alpine Posavje Mountain Range, hills, and plains along the River Sotla. The reserve is home to exceptional plant and animal species, and it has been designated as a UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) site since 2010.Some of the key attractions in the Kozjansko & Obsotelje Biosphere Reserve include:

  • Kozjanski Park: Established in 1981, the park is known for its landscape diversity, extreme biodiversity, and traditional fruit farming.
  • Kozjansko Apple: The park is famous for its apple orchards, with more than 100 traditional apple varieties and 60 pear varieties planted in the medieval town square.
  • Orlica Hills: The highest pre-Alpine areas of the park reach altitudes between 600 and 900 meters AMSL.
  • Castle: In the heart of the Orlica hills, the former castle cellars host a showcase of the protected area of the Kozjansko Regional Park.

The reserve offers various activities and attractions throughout the year, such as blooming orchards and meadows in spring, activities in summer, the Kozjansko Apple Festival in autumn, and serene landscapes in winter.

carnica Medokost®
Apiaries – Imkerei – apiculture MEDOKOST & MEDOVITA, Slovenia
Apis mellifera carnica MEDOKOST® – Kozjansko, Slovenia
Certified queen bee breeding center for the Carniolan bee (Apis m. carnica)
Centre d’élevage de reines certifié pour l’abeille carniolienne (Apis m. carnica)
Zertifizierte Bienenköniginzuchtstation für die Krainer Biene (Apis m. carnica)
