Morphological characteristics of Apis m. carnica
Les caractéristiques morphologiques Apis m. carnica
Morphologische Merkmale Apis m. carnica
Worker bee, L’abeille ouvrière, Arbeiterbiene
Les caractéristiques morphologiques Apis m. carnica
Morphologische Merkmale Apis m. carnica
Worker bee, L’abeille ouvrière, Arbeiterbiene
Worker bees are a vital part of the honey bee colony, as they perform numerous tasks that are essential for the survival and functioning of the hive. Their contributions to activities such as foraging, nursing, and hive maintenance are crucial for the overall well-being of the colony.
Worker bees communicate with each other in the colony through various methods, including touch, movement, odor, and sound. Bees touch each other’s antennae to identify their fellow bee and communicate during the waggle dance, which is a famous method of communication used to send messages throughout the colony, locate a nearby food source, and communicate other information. Bees also use chemical signals called pheromones to communicate and initiate behaviors among colony members. The waggle dance is used to disclose the location of the resource discovered, and worker bees can carry out the dance for an individual or multiple recruit bees. Bees also communicate via a number of noises, notably piping, tooting, quacking, and sometimes hissing. Communication is a two-way process: giving out messages and receiving them. Bees communicate by moving in specific patterns, beating their wings rapidly to make noise, and releasing pheromones for the other bees in the colony.
- Medium-sized, thin, generally gray, long legs;
- The abdomen is pointed and dark, the first wide lateral abdominal segment may exhibit leathery brown spots or patches, the first abdominal segment may be entirely leathery brown;
- The tomentum is gray to yellowish grey, wide, and very distinct;
- The hairs of the fifth abdominal segment are thick and short (0.25–0.35 mm);
- The cubital index is 2.7 (2.4–3.2);
- The proboscis is 6.4 to 6.8 mm long.
• demi-grande, svelte, sa couleur général est grise, les jambes sont longues,
• l’abdomen est pointu, de couleur foncée, des points ou des taches de couleur brune de cuir peuvent apparaître sur le premier anneau latéral, le premier anneau peut être complètement de couleur brune de cuir,
• le tomentum est de couleur grise ou grise-jaune, large et fortement visible,
• les petits poils du cinquième anneau sont épais et courts (0,25–0,35 mm),
• l’index cubital est de 2,7 (2,4–3,2) mm,
• la trompe est longue de 6,4–6,8 mm.
• mittelgroß, schlank, die allgemeine Farbe ist grau, die Füße sind lang,
• der Hinterleib ist spitz, dunkel, am ersten breiten Ring seitlich können lederbraune Punkte oder Flecken auftreten, der erste Ring kann gänzlich lederbraun sein,
• das Toment ist grau bis gelblich grau, breit und auffallend,
• die Härchen des 5. Rings des Hinterleibs sind dicht und kurz (0,25–0,35 mm),
• der Kubitalindex beträgt 2,7 (2,4–3,2),
• der Rüssel ist 6,4–6,8 mm lang.
carnica Medokost®
Apiaries – Imkerei – apiculture MEDOKOST & MEDOVITA, Slovenia
Apis mellifera carnica MEDOKOST® – Kozjansko, Slovenia
Certified queen bee breeding center for the Carniolan bee (Apis m. carnica)
Centre d’élevage de reines certifié pour l’abeille carniolienne (Apis m. carnica)
Zertifizierte Bienenköniginzuchtstation für die Krainer Biene (Apis m. carnica)